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Why Pet Vaccinations Are So Important

Vaccinations are extremely important. They are for prevention rather than treatment of diseases. Thus, they generally protect your pet from otherwise fatal or severely contagious diseases. When you vaccinate your pet, you help your pet build immunity against life-threatening diseases.

What Is Included in a Pet Wellness Exam?

Keeping your pet happy and healthy will help ensure that your furry family member loves their home. A pet wellness exam is a routine examination that is done even when an animal appears healthy. The exam is not about examining a sick animal but maintaining the animal’s good health. 

Keeping Your Pet’s Teeth Clean Is Important to Their Overall Health

Pet teeth cleaning will help keep your pet healthy. Healthy teeth are important not just for the mouth but for overall health. During the annual exam, the vet will examine the pet’s mouth to make sure that everything is okay. A pet dentist can examine the pet’s dental condition to ensure that the animal remains healthy. Dental X-rays can help detect issues below the gum line that can result in serious health complications. 

The Importance of Nutrition for Your Pet’s Health

One of the ways you can improve the quality and longevity of your pet’s life is by providing the healthiest food you can. What you feed your pets has a direct impact on their health. While the ingredients that go into the manufacturing of your pet’s food matter, the main key to better health is quality. The same old adage “you are what you eat” also applies to animals.

Signs of Serious Skin Issues in Pets

Identifying that your pet has a skin problem isn’t always easy. Not only is the area covered in hair that makes it difficult to see it, but our animals are also particularly good at masking signs of illness or health issues.

Importance of Spaying/Neutering Your Pet

Population control is one of the many reasons why people consider desexing their cats or dogs. Not all pet parents can take care of multiple dogs at home. What more if you need to tend to numerous puppies at a time? Are you wondering whether or not you have to get your beloved animal companion spayed or neutered? Here are some excellent reasons why it can be beneficial.

Preventing Fleas and Ticks in Pets

Fleas and ticks on the skin cause severe discomfort and illnesses to pets and their owners. Once parasites attack your home, it may take months to control them. Prevention is the better defense because you avoid an infestation in the first place. Luckily, preventative measures are easy to administer.

Benefits of Professional Pet Boarding

As a pet parent, leaving your furball for work or any other reason is never easy. But, with professional pet boarding, you no longer have to worry about your time apart. For your peace of mind, boarding services have become available.

Importance of Microchipping a Pet

If you’re worried about losing your pet, you may want to consider having them microchipped. Microchips are a popular type of electronic identification.

Pet Loss

Death may come with great difficulty... after a lengthy illness, often with pain and debilitation. Your pet may experience a wide array of signs - weight loss, breathing difficulty, nausea, pain, mobility problems, bleeding, and many others. Each illness is different as it progresses. A "natural death" is often cruel and painful.

Plants That Are Toxic To Your Pet!
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