Do Dogs Really Need Flea and Tick Medicine?

As a pet owner, you want the best for your canine companion. You give them love, food, shelter, and water. Unfortunately, fleas and ticks seem to harbor the same idea, drawing them right out of your pet. They open the door for your furry friend to experience serious health issues. 

What Are Fleas and Ticks?


These parasites feed on the blood of animals, including dogs. Reddish brown in appearance, fleas are tiny insects that can jump up to seven inches vertically. Dogs commonly have them on their skin, and they can lead to various health issues.

These include anemia, tapeworms, and allergic reactions. On the other hand, ticks are arachnids that live in grassy or wooded regions. They cling to dogs and can spread diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

The Dangers of Fleas and Ticks


Fleas and ticks can cause a range of health issues for your dog. For instance, fleas can cause life-threatening anemia in puppies. Moreover, dermatitis, a skin ailment, can manifest in dogs with flea allergies. This may result in intense irritation and infection. 

Lyme disease, borne by ticks, can make your pet suffer from joint pain, sluggishness, and even renal failure. It is crucial to remember that even indoor dogs can contract fleas and ticks. This is because they can enter the house in shoes or garments.


Flea and Tick Prevention


Preventative medicine is the best approach to keeping your dog free of fleas and ticks. There are several ways to administer these drugs, including oral pills, collars, and topical treatments. 

Based on your dog's medical history and lifestyle, your veterinarian can assist you in making the best decision. You can avoid fleas and ticks by taking a few more precautions besides medication.


Preventive Measures


Pet owners can take several preventative steps to protect their canine friends from fleas and ticks.

Some of these include:

  • Regular Grooming

Regular grooming helps keep your dog's coat clean and healthy. It makes it simpler to find ticks and fleas before they cause a problem.


  • Vacuum Regularly

Vacuuming your home regularly helps remove fleas or ticks that come in on your dog. Be sure to vacuum carpets, upholstery, and your dog's bedding.


  • Wash Bedding

Use hot water to wash and a high heat setting to dry your dog's bedding. This will kill any fleas or ticks present.


  • Keep Your Yard Clean

Keeping your yard clean of debris, including leaves and tall grass, can help reduce the population of fleas and ticks in your outdoor environment.


  • Use Flea and Tick Medicine

Flea and tick medicine is the most effective preventive measure. It kills parasites on contact and helps prevent future infestations.


The Cost of Flea and Tick Prevention


The cost of flea and tick prevention may be one of the factors holding back some pet owners. But the expense is worth it, considering the potential health problems linked to these parasites.


Flea and tick prevention is a necessary aspect of caring for your dog. Taking precautions to keep your animal buddy safe is crucial because these parasites can harm their health. You can keep your furry friend healthy and happy by following the above-mentioned steps. Remember that prevention goes a long way toward guaranteeing your dog's health.

For more on pet flea and tick prevention, visit Kankakee Animal Hospital at our office in Kankakee, Illinois. Call (815) 332-0600 to book an appointment today.

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